Karen's Blog

Karen Partisch, Licensed Craniosacral Therapist

This is a fun little video showing several of my clients doing the things they love. Being able to live full on should be a requirement for all of us. As we know, sometimes things get in the way and this is why getting good bodywork is essential to living a full on life.

Each human and equine in this video has been treated by me. Enjoy!

Sound is loud in this one! Still learning…

Therapeutic bodywork that is grounded in craniosacral therapy has defined my practice for 20 years. I’ve been fortunate to do this with people and horses. By relaxing nervous systems, bodies work better, heal and performance is upgraded. This is true with equines and humans.

Karen Partisch will not diagnose any illness, disease or dysfunction. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has a proven record of success as a stand alone therapy and integrates well with other allopathic and holistic treatments. There are rare cases CST when should not be the treatment of choice.